Sequoyah Co. Sheriff Dept. - worn during the 1990s -? - new condition - By law, the county sheriff or his deputy serves warrants and process documents ordered by the county court. The county health department may also request the county sheriff to serve process documents or assist in the abatement of situations deemed a nuisance or public health hazard. The sheriff serves warrants for the county treasurer for delinquent property taxes.
Sequoyah Co. Sheriffs Dept. - sub - new condition
Sequoyah Co. Sheriff - bp - new condition
Sequoyah Co. Sheriffs Dept. - new condition
Stephens Co. Sheriffs Dept. - worn during the 1990s - used condition
Stephens Co. Sheriff Dept. - new condition
Stephens Co. Sheriffs Posse - new condition
Stephens Co. Sheriff - new condition - An oil well is pictured on the patch as there are oil deposits in the county
Stephens Co. Sheriff - green - new condition
Stephens Co. Sheriff - new condition
Texas Co. Sheriffs Dept. - new condition
Texas Co. Sheriffs Dept. - new condition
Tillman Co. Sheriff - worn during the 1990s -? - new condition