Iowa Co. Sheriff Patches - complete - NOT FOR TRADE

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Jones Co. Sheriff - used condition

Jones Co. Sheriff - used condition

Keokuk Co. Sheriff - new condition

Kossuth Co. Sheriff - new condition

Lee Co. Sheriff - new condition

Linn Co. Sheriff - new condition

Linn Co. Sheriff - used condition

Linn Co. Sheriff - new condition

Louisa Co. Sheriffs Patrol - Reserve Deputy - worn during the 1960s - new cond.

Louisa Co. Sheriffs Patrol - new condition

Louisa Co. Sheriff - new condition

Lucas Co. Sheriff's Dept. - used condition

Lucas Co. Sheriffs Dept. - new condition

Lucas Co. Sheriffs Dept. - Post Explorer - bp - new condition - The Explorer Program is a program that gives young adults the opportunity to explore a career in law enforcement by working with local law enforcement agencies.

Lyon Co. Sheriff - new condition

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