Iowa Co. Sheriff Patches - complete - NOT FOR TRADE

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Montgomery Co. Sheriff - new condition

Muscatine Co. Sheriffs Dept. - new condition - The Iowa state seal is shown in the middle of the patch and depicts a citizen soldier standing in a wheat field surrounded by symbols including farming, mining, and transportation with the Mississippi River in the background. An eagle overhead bears the state motto.

Muscatine Co. Sheriff - new condition

Muscatine Co. Jail - used - This medium-security jail primarily houses pre-trial detainees and sentenced inmates serving terms of up to 24 months.

Muscatine Co. Sheriffs Office - SRT - new condition - The Special Response Team response to critical, life-threatening incidents like hostage situations or barricaded subjects, tracking fugitives, and high-risk search warrants. The team consist of officers trained in tactics, negotiation, and marksmanship.

Muscatine Co. Sheriffs Office - bp - new condition

Muscatine Co. Sheriff Dept. - bp - new condition

O'Brien Co. Sheriff - new condition - The Office of Sheriff started back in 1860.

O'Brien Co. Jailer - hat patch - new condition - The county jail is a 58 bed jail in the city of Primghar.

O'Brien Co. Sheriff - bp - new condition

Osceola Co. Sheriff - new condition

Osecola Co. Sheriff - used condition

Osoeola Co. Sheriff - FAKE patch - new condition

Page Co. Sheriff - new condition

Palo Alto County Sheriffs Dept. - new condition

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